by Carolyn Zepf | Nov 11, 2010 | Therapist Tips and Tricks
Over the next few weeks, I will be discussing the various tools or techniques that Osteopaths and Craniosacral Therapists use in their treatments. One of the advantages we have over other therapeutic disciplines is the number of treatment techniques we use. ...
by Carolyn Zepf | Oct 7, 2010 | Therapist Tips and Tricks
Phase 5 – Mobility of the sacrum between the ilia. The last phase of the Primary Respiratory Mechanism is the mobility of the sacrum between the ilia. Like the cranial bones, the bones of the pelvis were once thought to have fused to form one bony structure. All the...
by Carolyn Zepf | Sep 23, 2010 | Therapist Tips and Tricks
Phase 4 – Mobility of the cranial bone. “The bones of the skull are moving?” YES! There are 26 bones in the head and they are all in slight rhythmic motion along with the CNS, CSF, membranes, and sacrum. These bones all fit together like the gears of a watch and...
by Carolyn Zepf | Sep 16, 2010 | Therapist Tips and Tricks
Phase 3 – The motion of the dural membranes. As discussed in the previous paper, the dura is a cartilaginous tissue that surrounds the brain and spinal cord, like a sheath. The dura has a few characteristics that make it much different than other tissues of the...
by Carolyn Zepf | Sep 7, 2010 | Therapist Tips and Tricks
Phase 2 – The rhythmic fluctuation of the cerebrospinal fluid As discussed in the previous submission, The Brain and Spinal Cord or CNS, expand and contract at a rate of 8-12 cycles per minute. This expansion and retraction is one of the causes of Cerebrospinal...